Oil Paintings
Unique, colourful and original oil paintings on canvas and wooden panels using a wide range of techniques by the UK based artist Roger Turner
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Contemporary Paintings In Oils By Roger Turner
Contemporary fine art representational oil paintings on a variety of supports including traditional stretched canvas, canvas mounded on wooden panes and oil painting on wooden panes. Roger uses a wide range of techniques for his oil paintings produced from real life, his imagination or from reference photography. Roger works by producing a detailed freehand under drawing or drawing from reference material or just painting directly onto the canvas or wooden panel without any under-painting. Most of Rogers current oil paintings are intentionally colourful with minimal use of black. Working in a semi realistic style for the most part with some abstraction in some of the artworks. Roger often spends a significant period of time on each artwork. Many are painted first in acrylics and then painted over in using professional grade oils
Oils | Watercolours | Acrylics | Pastels | Prints